Thursday, June 20, 2019

Building Supplies Needed

As a final project we are putting our new learned skills together. We are making duck houses! Using our knowledge of shapes, measurement, and animal habits we are using our last days of school to make houses for our baby ducklings. If you have any possible building materials at home that we could use please send them to school (cardboard, boxes, cans, paper cups, etc)! Anything that we do not use will be donated to the art room for projects next year.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Activity Day Information

Activity Day- Tuesday June 25th
Next Tuesday, June 25th we will be having our Activity Day. We will spend the afternoon from 1:30-3:00 spending time exploring different activities. As this is an outdoor event we ask that you come to school prepared for the weather. Please remember sunblock, hats, sunglasses and water bottles. The compound and surrounding fields will be turned into active centres where you can try out new activities.

This year we are having a Hawaiian Theme to our Activity Day. If you would like to, come school in your best Hawaiian clothing.

On Tuesday, June 25 at 9:00am we will be having a Sing Along in the gym. Students will be singing some of their favourite songs from the school year. It is dress Hawaiian day (no need to buy anything; students are invited to wear colourful clothing, we will be singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"). Families are welcome to attend!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Library Summer Programs

Today we had a presenter from the Calgary Public Library visit us and give us a presentation. We learned about the "Ultimate Summer Challenge" that they are having this year. If you track your reading on the "Challenge Map" (which is available at any Calgary Public Library) you will be entered to win a prize! There are also several free classes and programs that are being held at the library over the summer! I encourage you to check it out!

Calgary Public Library Summer Challenge

Thursday, June 13, 2019

End of the Year Preperations

It is hard to believe that we are in the final count down of Grade 1! In preparation for the last day of school please:

- Have all library books returned by Friday June 14th
- All Home Reading book returned by Monday June 17th
- All clothing picked up from the lost and found by June 25th

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


On Sunday night our ducklings had arrived at our school!

3 of our 6 duckling eggs have hatched since yesterday evening! We are wondering how long it will take for the other 3 eggs to hatch!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Grade 1-2 Choir and Volunteer Tea

The Grade 1&2 Choir will be performing their songs for the rest of the school on Tuesday, May 28th at 2:30pm.  Families are welcome to attend. They will also be performing for the Volunteer Tea on Wednesday, May 29th.  

Please ensure that choir students wear their red Copperfield School t-shirts on Tuesday and Wednesday. I have a limited number of t-shirts to lend out (only for students who don't own their own please).

Monday, May 13, 2019

Field Trip Forms

We are going to be going on a field trip June 5th! I please have these forms printed off, signed and brought into me by Thursday May 23rd!

Ann and Sandy Cross

Acknowledgment of Risk

Coppercade & Words of the Week

The grade 4's have created games for a their Coppercade Arcade. They are raising money for a non-profit animal rescue foundation.
Coppercade and Energy Earth are interactive games and mazes to explore and play! Each student in the class will have a chance to interact for a FEE. The cost is:
· $0.25 per game/station
· $2.00 for a FUN PASS which gets unlimited play for EITHER Coppercade OR Energy Earth each day
· $4.00 for a SUPER FUN PASS which gets them unlimited play for ALL of it and an extra Super Fun Pass only session on Thursday (kind of like a ‘Park Hopper’ for Disney)

Words of the Week:

  • those
  • because
  • green
  • upon
  • been

Friday, May 10, 2019

Shoe Boxes & Celebration of Learning

We are going to be starting an animal research project! One of the components of this project is that the students are going to be using a shoe box, and using paint and clay, they are going to recreate the habitat for the animal that they have chosen. Students need to bring in a shoe box by May 20th. If you have any extra shoe boxes that you would like to donate please send those as well.

Celebration of Learning
Please join us on Friday May 24th from 1:00-3:00 for our school wide Celebration of Learning. This will be an open house format where you will have the time to explore, ask questions and learn from your child. Students will take charge of much of the exploration and teachers will be present all afternoon to join in the celebration. Please keep in mind that this is not a parent/teacher conference, but rather a time to celebrate your child’s learning this year. 

Viewing student projects during the afternoon is a wonderful way to showcase students’ unique talents and interests and is a chance for us to celebrate the special learning culture we have created together at Copperfield School.

We look forward to enjoying this celebration with you and your children.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Words of the Week

Our words this week are:

  • Always
  • Gave
  • These
  • Around
  • Goes

Slime is on sale this week at lunch for Coppercares. $2 for regular, $3 for sparkle slime. 
Grade 1/2 choir is at lunch every Tuesday and Thursday until the Volunteer Tea.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Special Guest & Choir Form

Today we had a special guest visit our classroom! We had Constable Mattice visit us!!!! We got to learn all about the different tools that she uses to keep her safe on her job. We then talked about the different "tools" that we can use to help us when we are feeling angry and frustrated!

1-2 Choir Form

The Grade 1 & 2 choir will be starting next week! If your child wishes to be a part of the choir please fill out the form and have it brought back in by Monday May 6th!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Scholastic and Words of the Week

If you are wanting to order books from the April edition of Scholastic the orders will need to be in by tomorrow. They can either be ordered online (parents get to choose a free book when it is done online!!!) or you can have your child bring the flyer in to me with a cheque. I have sent home the flyers for the May edition. Please have your orders in by May 29th.

Words of the Week:

  • open
  • when
  • had
  • were
  • going
  • once
Payment for the art projects is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Music Monday & Art Forms!

We are having an In-School Activity - Arts Projects for Mother's Day and Father's Day.  Please see the attached information sheet.
Please note: this fee was placed in your MyCBE account in January therefore fi it is not showing, please check your payment history to see if you have already paid.
If you have already paid for this activity, you do not need to print off and return this form.
Payment is due Monday, April 29, 2019.

Music Monday Rehearsal and Performances

There will be two performances (10:30am and 2:30pm) on Monday, May 6th and families are invited to attend!  

A few of our classes will be away that day. Families of those students are welcome to come watch our rehearsal on Friday, May 3 at 10:30am.

Here is the program:

Kindergarten - An Austrian Went Yodeling
Grade 1's - Do Re Mi (with maracas!)
Grade 2's - My Favourite Things
Grade 3's - Recorder Performance and So Long, Farewell
Grade 4's - Recorder Performance and Edelweiss

Grade 3/4 Choir - Hymn to Freedom (this is the official Music Monday song by Canadian Jazz legend Oscar Peterson), Fly Eagle Fly, The Lonely Goatherd, The Sound of Music

We hope you can join us!

Music Monday is a Canada-wide event sponsored by the Coalition for Music Education. We would like to thank them for a $250 grant awarded to Copperfield School's music program! Feel free to check out their website to find out about other Music Monday events across Canada!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday April 8, 2019

Words of the Week:
- could
- let
- them
- every
- live

In science we have started learning about the 5 senses. During our introduction we had to use all of our 5 senses to figure out what they mystery object was!








Now that we have had our introduction we are going to start learning about each and every sense!

- Library tomorrow

Monday, April 1, 2019

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful break. We are excited to have everyone back from their holidays.

Today we started our new science unit on the 5 senses. Please ask me what they are!

We are going to be starting to create our own timelines in class!

Words of the Week:
just, take, by, know, thank

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


This is a reminder that Conference Booking ends at midnight tonight. If you have not made a booking yet, please do so before midnight tonight!

Tomorrow will be a half day for students. There will be student-led conferences Thursday evening and Friday during the day.

Have a wonderful Spring Break!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Guest Speaker & Library

After the break we are going to be starting to learn about the 5 senses. Today we had  Mrs. Taylor's class come over as we listened to our Guest Speaker c, who is only able to use 4 out of his 5 senses. We were able to learn about he uses his other 4 senses in to guide him in the world every day! Please ask your child all about what they learned from our speaker today!

- Library Tomorrow! We will not be taking books out this week, and Mrs. Diminic asks that everyone have their library books returned before we leave for Spring Break! Instead we will be looking at items that are available at our book fair, which will be up during our conferences.

-If you have not booked for conferences yet, please do so!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Read-A-Thon and Conferences

Today was officially the last day of our Read-A-Thon. It was wonderful seeing all of the different characters that came to school today! We will be collecting any reading pledge forms this Monday so please do not forget to bring those in! They need to be completed and brought in in order to be eligible for the prizes.

Conference Booking has been open since Wednesday! I have already seen that so many have signed up, however I am hoping to see everyone there! It will be a student led conference and is a chance for the students to show you what they know! I will be there to facilitate and guide you in exploring their learning together!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday March 14

Read-A -Thon
- Tomorrow is dress up as your favourite book character day!

Thank you to all of the amazing volunteers that we had for our field trip today! We could not have gone without you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Words of the Week, and Field Trip Reminders

Words of the week:
- any
- his
- some
- ask
- how

Field Trip Reminders:
- Please remember to dress for the weather outside. The one room school house is not very warm. Hats and mitts are suggested.
- Please remember to pack a litter less lunch for your child that day.
- Make sure your child has a water bottle

Home Reading:
- Because we are going to Heritage park on Thursday, students can bring their home reading to be exchanged either on Wednesday or Friday. 

Friday, March 8, 2019

Big Friendly Groups!

Today we had our second BFG! Everyone had a wonderful time. The teachers read us their favourite story, and then we learned how to make these corner bookmarks. This has made us even more excited to read during our Read-A-Thon!

Today we had a surprise assembly to say good-bye to Mrs. Gelfand. Even though she will be missed here at Copperfield school, we are very excited for her as she steps into her new position as Principal at Prince of Wales school.

Pokemon cards are not supposed to be brought to school. Please have a conversation with your child about keeping these at home and when it is appropriate to be trading them with their friends.

- We have our field trip to Heritage Park next Thursday. Please remember to dress your child for the weather, as we will be spending some of the day outside.
- Conference Manager will open up at 8am on March 13th. This is a student-led conference. I hope to see all of you there! We are very excited to show you what we have been working on!
- Scholastic book orders are due March 28th! You can order online, or fill out the form and have it brought to school. A reminder that scholastic does not accept cash, and you must write a cheque if the form is being brought to the school.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Read-a-thon and Tax Recipts

We will be starting our read-a-thon next week! I have sent home a form with information about our read-a-thon. Included in this form are special days, a tracking calendar for reading, as well as a pledge form for those who wish to be a part.

Tax forms are going to be sent home Thursday (tomorrow). Those who have their payments in good standing will have tax receipts that cover from January 2018 - June 2018  and August - December 2018. 

Please look for these forms that will be coming in your child's bag this week. 

Reminder: Heritage Park forms are due Tuesday March 5th. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pink Shirt Day Tomorrow

It is Pink Shirt day tomorrow! Please remember to wear pink in support of anti-bullying!

Scholastic was sent home. If you would like to order any books from the flyers please have the orders in by March 28th. Either done online, or handed in to me at the school.

We are going to be having an occupational therapist visit our classroom on Monday for a whole class lesson! I have included a link to the letter from Alberta Health Services if you would like to take a look.

Alberta Services Letter

Monday, February 25, 2019

Heritage Park Field Trip Forms & Words of the Week

Words of the Week:
After, has, over, her, again

*We are starting to work on the Grade 1 Dolch word list in class*

We are going to be going to Heritage Park soon!!! We will be going with Mrs. Ly's class on March 14th. We will need to have these forms returned by: Tuesday March 5th

Heritage Park Forms:
We are going on a field trip!
Acknowledgment of Risk

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

100th Day of School

What a fun day we had! It is hard to believe that we have already been in Grade 1 for 100 days!

Today we visualized what our lives might look like by the time we get to be 100 year old! After sharing our thoughts in writing we then created a self portrait of ourselves and what we think we might look like.

In the afternoon we had many 100 day math centers. We had a focus on measurement and learning how to build and construct as a team. Please ask us how far a hundred steps will take us!

- Please return the report card envelops before the end of the week!
- Pink Shirt Day is on February 27th.
- We start our gymnastics unit on March 4th. Please remember to have you child dress in clothing that will be easy for them to move in.
- March 4th is the start of our Read-A-Thon!!!! More information to come!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Next Tuesday will be the 100th day of school! If you are able to please do not forget to dress up for this super exciting day!

Please do not forget to return the report card envelopes. Please have them returned to the school by February 22nd.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday February 11, 2019

Library Tomorrow! Please remember to bring in your library books!

Friendship/ Valentines Festivities - Wednesday February 13th we are going to have valentines and friendship themed learning activities happening throughout the morning. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up in the sign-up genius.

Half Day on Wednesday!

Home Reading
Our regular home reading exchange day is on Thursdays, but because of the long weekend we will be changing our books out on the Wednesday! This way we can have new books for the long weekend!

100 days of school
We will be celebrating 100 days of school on Tuesday February 19. On this day, grade ones are going to have a “dress like you are 100 years old” day. Please do not buy anything new! Here are some ideas:

Girls: a dress and cardigan, big jewelry, a hat, a scarf tied around head, hair in a bun, using baby power for white hair, a cane, a stick

Boys: button up shirt, plaid, a hat, suspenders, a bow or tie, baby powder for white hair, a cane, a stick

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Hi moms and dads!

We talked about the new moon for Chinese New Year today.
The class has asked me to post the moon phases for you to look at home!

Gung Hoy Fat Choy!

Room 138 :)

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday February 4th, 2019

Good afternoon!

Chinese New Year assembly is this Wednesday February 6th ay 2:30pm. Please wear red!

Math night is this Thursday February 7th from 6pm-7pm.

Due to the extreme weather we are having this week, we will be postponing Winter Walk Day until next Wednesday, February 13th! We look forward to seeing the many students and families walking to school on Wednesday, February 13th!

Thank you!

Ms. Samphire

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 30th, 2019

Good afternoon!

Home reading books should be returned tomorrow in bags with reading log filled out.
Report Cards go home on Thursday.
There will be no school on Friday.
There will be a Martial Arts and Lion Dance Presentation on Wednesday February 6 @ 2:30pm by students from The Calgary Tai Chi & Martial Arts College. Please wear RED for good luck.

Thank you!
Ms. Samphire

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29th, 2019

Good morning parents!

I am sorry for not posting sooner. I have been very sick.
Today is our field trip to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.
Please remember to send your child with warm clothing for outdoors.
Winter coat, snow pants, hat, mittens, scarf, and boots.
Please also pack a big lunch, as it will be a busy day!
If you are volunteering we will be getting on the bus around 8:45am.

9:00-9:30 – Bus departs from Copperfield School
9:30-10:15 – Arrive at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, snack, Welcome and introduction
10:15-11:15 - Seasonal change discussion and activities
11:15-12:15 - Surviving the Seasons station activities
12:15-12:45 - Lunch break
12:45-2:00 - Outdoor guided walk
2:00-2:30 - Review, debrief, and clean-up
2:30 – Bus departs from Inglewood Bird Sanctuary
3:00 – Bus returns to Copperfield School

I am very excited for today! See you soon! :)

Ms. Samphire

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Calgary Public Library Book Truck

Thank you to everyone who participated on the Book Truck and signed out a book at Copperfield School. We are aware that some of you may be receiving overdue notices. A representative from the Book Truck has reassured us that there will no fees incurred for books that were signed out from the truck. All Book Truck books from the December visit will be returned to the public library on Thursday January 31 with no fines. If your child still has their book, please send it to school so that it can be returned. Any Calgary Public Library books returned after January 31 will need to be returned directly to any Public Library location. Thank you again for bringing the love of reading into your home!


Lisa Ly

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday January 21, 2019

Hello moms and dads!

We were having a blast during our first in-line skating. We had only a couple falls!

In math we are learning to skip count by 2s to 20, 5s and 10s to 100, and backwards from 20.

In science we are learning primary and secondary colors. Ask me what colors mix!
Also, we have been learning how animals prepare for winter: adaptation, migration, and hibernation.

In social we are learning about community.
Ask me what a community is and what communities I am part of.

We finished learning how to print all the letters of the alphabet correctly!

In word work we are learning to write 4 and 5 letter words ending with -ing.

In music we are learning about the different music notes.

In reading we are learning our animal reading strategies and comprehension strategies.

We have been learning lots and lots!


Room 138

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday January 17, 2018

Good evening parents!

I have sent home a reading log in your child's reading bag.
If you could fill one row out for each book every week that would be very helpful.
It also give me an idea with how you are finding their reading at home.
If you forgot to return home reading books please send them tomorrow.
In-line skating starts Monday. Please send your child with a helmet if they have one.

Thank you so much :)

Ms. Samphire

Friday, January 11, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Home Reading

Good afternoon!

Please remember every Thursday to send home reading books with your child.
I have switched to ziplock bags and will keep the black bags at school to send home only with forms.
Each ziplock has the child's name on it.
Please return the home reading books in the ziplock each week.

I have put a reading strategies bookmark in each bag.
We are slowly learning the animals and their different strategies.
If you could use these strategies at home with your child it will be extremely helpful.
I have also put the pre-primer sight word list in each bag.
If you could please try and work on this list every night!

Thank you!
Ms. Samphire

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Sight Word Lists

Hello families!

I sent out an email the other day introducing myself!
If you could please reply to the email to let me know you received it.
I am attaching the three lists of sight words that we hope to know by the end of grade one.
I will send home the pre-primer list with home reading on Thursday.

If you have any questions please email me!

Thank you,