Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Activity Day Information

Activity Day- Tuesday June 25th
Next Tuesday, June 25th we will be having our Activity Day. We will spend the afternoon from 1:30-3:00 spending time exploring different activities. As this is an outdoor event we ask that you come to school prepared for the weather. Please remember sunblock, hats, sunglasses and water bottles. The compound and surrounding fields will be turned into active centres where you can try out new activities.

This year we are having a Hawaiian Theme to our Activity Day. If you would like to, come school in your best Hawaiian clothing.

On Tuesday, June 25 at 9:00am we will be having a Sing Along in the gym. Students will be singing some of their favourite songs from the school year. It is dress Hawaiian day (no need to buy anything; students are invited to wear colourful clothing, we will be singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"). Families are welcome to attend!

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