Friday, March 8, 2019

Big Friendly Groups!

Today we had our second BFG! Everyone had a wonderful time. The teachers read us their favourite story, and then we learned how to make these corner bookmarks. This has made us even more excited to read during our Read-A-Thon!

Today we had a surprise assembly to say good-bye to Mrs. Gelfand. Even though she will be missed here at Copperfield school, we are very excited for her as she steps into her new position as Principal at Prince of Wales school.

Pokemon cards are not supposed to be brought to school. Please have a conversation with your child about keeping these at home and when it is appropriate to be trading them with their friends.

- We have our field trip to Heritage Park next Thursday. Please remember to dress your child for the weather, as we will be spending some of the day outside.
- Conference Manager will open up at 8am on March 13th. This is a student-led conference. I hope to see all of you there! We are very excited to show you what we have been working on!
- Scholastic book orders are due March 28th! You can order online, or fill out the form and have it brought to school. A reminder that scholastic does not accept cash, and you must write a cheque if the form is being brought to the school.

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