Wednesday, March 20, 2019


This is a reminder that Conference Booking ends at midnight tonight. If you have not made a booking yet, please do so before midnight tonight!

Tomorrow will be a half day for students. There will be student-led conferences Thursday evening and Friday during the day.

Have a wonderful Spring Break!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Guest Speaker & Library

After the break we are going to be starting to learn about the 5 senses. Today we had  Mrs. Taylor's class come over as we listened to our Guest Speaker c, who is only able to use 4 out of his 5 senses. We were able to learn about he uses his other 4 senses in to guide him in the world every day! Please ask your child all about what they learned from our speaker today!

- Library Tomorrow! We will not be taking books out this week, and Mrs. Diminic asks that everyone have their library books returned before we leave for Spring Break! Instead we will be looking at items that are available at our book fair, which will be up during our conferences.

-If you have not booked for conferences yet, please do so!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Read-A-Thon and Conferences

Today was officially the last day of our Read-A-Thon. It was wonderful seeing all of the different characters that came to school today! We will be collecting any reading pledge forms this Monday so please do not forget to bring those in! They need to be completed and brought in in order to be eligible for the prizes.

Conference Booking has been open since Wednesday! I have already seen that so many have signed up, however I am hoping to see everyone there! It will be a student led conference and is a chance for the students to show you what they know! I will be there to facilitate and guide you in exploring their learning together!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday March 14

Read-A -Thon
- Tomorrow is dress up as your favourite book character day!

Thank you to all of the amazing volunteers that we had for our field trip today! We could not have gone without you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Words of the Week, and Field Trip Reminders

Words of the week:
- any
- his
- some
- ask
- how

Field Trip Reminders:
- Please remember to dress for the weather outside. The one room school house is not very warm. Hats and mitts are suggested.
- Please remember to pack a litter less lunch for your child that day.
- Make sure your child has a water bottle

Home Reading:
- Because we are going to Heritage park on Thursday, students can bring their home reading to be exchanged either on Wednesday or Friday. 

Friday, March 8, 2019

Big Friendly Groups!

Today we had our second BFG! Everyone had a wonderful time. The teachers read us their favourite story, and then we learned how to make these corner bookmarks. This has made us even more excited to read during our Read-A-Thon!

Today we had a surprise assembly to say good-bye to Mrs. Gelfand. Even though she will be missed here at Copperfield school, we are very excited for her as she steps into her new position as Principal at Prince of Wales school.

Pokemon cards are not supposed to be brought to school. Please have a conversation with your child about keeping these at home and when it is appropriate to be trading them with their friends.

- We have our field trip to Heritage Park next Thursday. Please remember to dress your child for the weather, as we will be spending some of the day outside.
- Conference Manager will open up at 8am on March 13th. This is a student-led conference. I hope to see all of you there! We are very excited to show you what we have been working on!
- Scholastic book orders are due March 28th! You can order online, or fill out the form and have it brought to school. A reminder that scholastic does not accept cash, and you must write a cheque if the form is being brought to the school.