Monday, October 15, 2018

Class Pets and Forms

Today when we got into the class we arrived to see a HUGE surprise! Our class has gained 2 more fiends that are going to be with us for the year. We are going to be scientists and we are going to be doing research about our fiends this year. To start we learned how to collect data in order to figure out what their names would be. As a class we voted to have their names be Lava and Mrs. RA Junior.
To help you guess what our new friends really are we have some clues for you:

-"They are green."- T.L
- "It starts with an F".- S.Q
- "They have webbed hands."- A.F
- ""It is something that swims in the water."- A.R
- "They can jump."- A.P
- "We wonder if they have sticky hands?"- Q.A

Walk-tober continues!  Enjoy this glorious weather and walk, wheel, ride or scoot to school. 

- Book truck comes this week. Forms need to be in by tomorrow in order for us to be able to take out books.
- We have the Grade 1 assembly this Friday!
- Art Felt and Baking forms need to be in by this Thursday!  
- Library Tomorrow! Please return your books!

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