Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Book Truck

Calgary Public Library Book Truck Information 
The next book truck visit at Copperfield School will be on Wednesday November 14 from 8:30am-11:15am. 

Students who signed out a book on the last visit:
If you have already returned your book to the nearest Public Library, fantastic! 
You can also return your books to the blue bin labeled “Book Truck” in the learning commons. These books will then be checked in on November 14 “fine free”. (The loan period is 3 weeks but there will be no charges by the Calgary Public Library if they are returned for November 14)

Students who have not returned their forms but would like to participate:

Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Words of the Week:

  • Green
  • Pink
  • Gray
  • Brown
  • Purple
  • Light Blue
It is hard to believe that it is already the last week of the month! It is already going to be Halloween this Wednesday! A reminder that we are not allowed to wear our costumes on Wednesday morning. However, we can pack them into our backpacks and they can go on at lunchtime. Please keep any weapons at home or big accessories, and please remember that we are not allowed to wear masks at school. We need to keep the costumes school appropriate. 

Good News!!!!!
We filled up the bean jar to the first gold line!!!!!! Please ask us what our special reward was and what we are working towards by filling up the whole jar!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesda,y October 24th, 2018

Reminders for Parents:
- There is no school this Friday! It is a PD day
- Do not forget to set your clocks back an hour this weekend! It is the time change this weekend.
- Home Reading starts tomorrow! Please remember that we change out the books every Thursday.
- It is Halloween next Wednesday. If you are wearing a costume. Pack it in your bags for the morning. We will be having our classroom party in the afternoon and that is when we will get to wear our costumes. Students can put on their costumes at lunch. Please remember no weapons, no face masks, no make-up please
- Scholastic Orders due on Monday!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chances for Further Learning in the Community!

As our school development plan for this year has a strong focus on math,
Copperfield community and school have been given the opportunity to work with an amazing artist and teacher named Sharon Fortowsky. We would like to engage our Copperfield families with a math task that you can work on together. You may have seen some of the electrical boxes in Copperfield with some beautiful paintings on them.  One of them is by the Shell station and the other is on 52nd.  Sharon has painted these boxes with a purpose and is encouraging parents and students to take a look at the boxes as there are math riddles that go along with the paintings. A short article with the riddle has been posted in the Copperfield-Mahogany community association newsletter Copperfield Mahogany Community newsletter
The first clues so far have also been posted on the community facebook page Copperfield Mahogany Facebook page.   Because it might be difficult for families to get over to the physical boxes, there is a link to the riddles and pictures of the boxes for your family to take a look at.  We encourage you to discuss with your child any math that your child sees on these two boxes.  Please copy the link below to take a look at the three riddles that have been given so far.

Assembly Tomorrow!

A reminder that we have our grade 1 assembly tomorrow! Please make sure that students are wearing either a red shirt or their Copperfield shirt. Our assembly starts at 9am and everyone is invited!

We have been working really hard on our silent reading. Here are some pictures from today:

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday October 17, 2018

On Friday we have our class assembly. Parents, Grandparents, siblings and all family members are welcome to join us! It will be starting at 9am. We ask that all the students either wear a red shirt that day or their Copperfield Shirts!!!! This is because every Friday is red shirt day!!!

On Monday we have our in-class field trip. We will be doing our felting art!! Some families still have not paid for this experience. If you have not paid this needs to be done by Friday.

We are going to be starting our home reading next week! Each student is going to be starting off with 1 book. We are asking that you use raz-kids to help supplement the home reading books until we are able to get some more!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Class Pets and Forms

Today when we got into the class we arrived to see a HUGE surprise! Our class has gained 2 more fiends that are going to be with us for the year. We are going to be scientists and we are going to be doing research about our fiends this year. To start we learned how to collect data in order to figure out what their names would be. As a class we voted to have their names be Lava and Mrs. RA Junior.
To help you guess what our new friends really are we have some clues for you:

-"They are green."- T.L
- "It starts with an F".- S.Q
- "They have webbed hands."- A.F
- ""It is something that swims in the water."- A.R
- "They can jump."- A.P
- "We wonder if they have sticky hands?"- Q.A

Walk-tober continues!  Enjoy this glorious weather and walk, wheel, ride or scoot to school. 

- Book truck comes this week. Forms need to be in by tomorrow in order for us to be able to take out books.
- We have the Grade 1 assembly this Friday!
- Art Felt and Baking forms need to be in by this Thursday!  
- Library Tomorrow! Please return your books!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Our First BFG

Today we had our very first BIG FRIENDLY GROUPS (BFG's!). There were 2 challenges that were happening around the school. The first one is called "The Poison", and this was a math problem. The second one that some of us did was called the "Marble Challenge", everyone had a lot of fun! I encourage you to ask your child which one they did and see if they can show you how to do it at home.

Our job this weekend is to observe the pond!! We are going to be scientists all year and we are going to document our findings about the pond, so we need to be keeping a good eye on it!

*We have our assembly next week on Friday October 19 at 9am*

Notes to Parents:
- Forms still need to be handed in. (I have included another link to the forms below)
- We will be having the library send the school the book truck. If you wish to apply for a library card, or already have one for your child and would like for them to have the chance to take out a book please fill out the appropriate form and have it brought in on Monday (links are below)
- If you wish to order fall pictures, forms need to be in by Tuesday, or you can order them online.
-Library day is on Tuesday. Don't forget your books!

Library Card Application
Book Truck 
Art Felt Form

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

We are Scientists!

For the rest of the school year we are going to be working on our observation skills. A good scientist observes the world around them and shares what they learn with others. Over the weekend our job is to observe the pond because we are going to be recording our observations in the classroom in a big classroom display.  We can hardly wait for you to see it!

Reminders for Parents:
- Fun lunch is coming up! If you wish to order something it needs to be done this week.
- It is still Walktober! Please take any chance you can to walk to school this month!
- We are having the Library Van come to our school. If you wish for your student to be able to use the truck please fill out the form that was sent with your weekly update and have them turn it into the teacher. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Art Felt and Baking

Hello Wonderful Families!

I have 2 in School Activity Forms for you. One is a link for the Art Felt (which will be happening this October 22nd), and the other one is for our baking fee. We will be doing a couple of different baking activities throughout the school year but we only need this form filled out once. If you could please print of these forms, fill them out and have them back into me by Thursday October 18th, it would be greatly appreciated.

Baking Supplies Form

Art Felt Form

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday, October 4th, 2018


-Tomorrow is Red Shirt day! If you have a Copperfield Shirt. Hoodie or a red shirt please do not forget to wear it tomorrow!
- There is no school on Monday! We hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
- Please do not forget to practice our list of words at home! Knowing these words is super important for us to start reading!
- It is Walktober! Whenever you can please try to walk or wheel to school!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Home Reading Form

Home Reading is going to begin in our classroom soon (the date is to be announced). In order to help prepare you I have included a document with information about home reading here at Copperfield School.

Link to Home Reading Form

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Hi Everyone,
 Tomorrow is International Walk to School Day.  If you are able, please bundle up and  walk to school for the month of October.  Tomorrow there will be special guests to greet you.

Please remember to dress warmly everyone! Let's remember to wear our hats, mitts, boots, scarves, and our warm coats. If you have snow pants please remember to wear them tomorrow!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Library and Scholastic

We can hardly believe that it is already the start of October! There are going to be many exciting things happening this month.

Our words of the week are:

  • as
  • by
  • could
  • easy
  • fly

A couple of reminders:
- Tomorrow is Library Day! Please remember to return your books so that we can get some new ones to read at home!
- Scholastic Flyers went home today. If you wish to order any books from this month's flyers please have those orders in to me by October 26th, or you can order online.
- Please do not forget to bring in some leaves this week!