Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Pond walk Today!!!

This afternoon we took advantage of the nice sunny weather and we did a walk around the pond. We were being scientis and looking to see if fall is here! Some of the things that we saw were:
- "Birds flying around" J.H
- Yellow leaves" - L.W
- "Cattails" - L.H
- I saw a squirrel in the trees." O.W
- "I saw a spider web" - D.D
- "I saw ladybugs."- L.W
- "I saw a ladybug too." - K.
- "I saw a two squirrels." - O.L
- "I saw a bare tree" - A.R
- I saw 5 ladybugs and I saw 3 more at the playground. They were a family" A.P
- "I saw an orange leaf" - C.B
As a class we have concluded that fall is here!

If you find evidence of fall at home this week please bring it in so that we can continue our investigations.

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