Friday, September 28, 2018

Pull Tabs

The Grade 1 students are continuing to collect pull tabs to donate to the Calgary Lions Club. They can come from cans like drink cans, dog food cans, cat food cans etc. Volunteers at the Lions Club take the aluminum pull tabs to be recycled and refunded money is donated to help send diabetic children to Diabetic Camp.  Please help us show generosity by bringing in clean pull tabs to a Grade 1 room and we will be keeping track of the collection. Thank you so much for your support!

The Students in Grade One

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Celebrating Terry Fox and Orange Shirt Day!

Today was a very important day! We were remembering Terry Fox and everything that he did. He was a true Canadian Hero! It was raining outside today so we did our run in the gym! We know that Terry Fox is a hero because:

-"He helped people that were sick and that had caner."- T.S
- "He wanted to make people feel better and have places to live."- A.R
- "Terry Fox is a hero and he helped people that had cancer. He helped people that were sick but he died a very very long time ago."- J.K
- "He was raising money for kids who had cancer."- S.R
He helped Canadians raise money for cancer." - L.M
- "He was raising a lot of money so that he could help kids and a lot of people."- S.Q
- He wanted to help people." - A.F
- "He was a hero because he was raising money to find better cures for cancer."- O.W
- "He always ran and he was always helping people when they are sick. People also helped him and he cared for other people."- D. C
- "Even though he a robot leg he still ran. My grandma had cancer in real life and Terry Fox helped save her"- J. H
- " He ran for the world."- L.W

- If parents and students could please collect leaves over the next couple of days that would be appreciated. We are hoping to have some in by Wednesday next week so that we can start being scientists and observe the changes that happen in fall.

- It is Orange Shirt day on Monday. We are having an assembly Monday morning at 9am. The Grade 1's will be singing a song. All parents are welcome to come join us for this assembly. Please encourage your child to wear an Orange Shirt on Monday!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Pond walk Today!!!

This afternoon we took advantage of the nice sunny weather and we did a walk around the pond. We were being scientis and looking to see if fall is here! Some of the things that we saw were:
- "Birds flying around" J.H
- Yellow leaves" - L.W
- "Cattails" - L.H
- I saw a squirrel in the trees." O.W
- "I saw a spider web" - D.D
- "I saw ladybugs."- L.W
- "I saw a ladybug too." - K.
- "I saw a two squirrels." - O.L
- "I saw a bare tree" - A.R
- I saw 5 ladybugs and I saw 3 more at the playground. They were a family" A.P
- "I saw an orange leaf" - C.B
As a class we have concluded that fall is here!

If you find evidence of fall at home this week please bring it in so that we can continue our investigations.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Picture and Library Tomorrow

Tomorrow is library day! Please remember to have your library books returned tomorrow so that we can exchange them for new ones.

It is also picture day tomorrow. Please remember to bring your smile! 😀

Words of the week:

  • and
  • ask
  • any
  • an
  • after 
  • again
Please make sure to be practicing these words of the week with your children at home! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Pictures and Conferences

Pictures Day is on Tuesday September 25th. There have been sheets sent home with the information in your child's backpack.

Tomorrow is a half day! The students do not need to bring a lunch for tomorrow. There is also no school on Friday. We will be having parent-teacher conferences Thursday night and Friday morning. Students are also welcome to be a part of our conferences. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Copperfield Swag

Today we got a from for the Copperfield Shirts, Hoodies and Pants. If you wish to order any of these items please have your child bring back the filled out form by SEPTEMBER 28TH.

As a class we have been working super hard to earn beans for our bean jar! Today we earned 23 beans towards our classroom reward!

REMINDER: This Thursday and Friday is parent teacher confreres. If you have not booked a time yet please do so!

Friday, September 14, 2018

New Meeting Spot

Dear Parents:
As per the parent letter regarding Vesta Fencing that was emailed out to you on Thursday September 13, Grade 1 students will have a new meeting spot starting Monday Morning. We will be meeting on the compound area between the two orange doors at teacher’s signs. Supervision will start at 8:05 AM each morning until the students go in. We highly encourage parents to drop off their students and be on their way to best alleviate congestion on the compound. There will be numerous teacher supervisors wearing orange vests to ensure student safety and help guide them to their correct meeting spots. All Grade 1 teachers will be coming out to pick up their classes until further notice.  Thank you again for your continued cooperation and flexibility.
Please make sure you send in the student information consent forms and media release forms. You can find these forms on the school website.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Warm Clothes and Growth Mindset

Today we learned about Growth Mindset and the power of the word YET! This important word helps us grow our brains. Our brain is a muscle and we can make it stronger by exercising it. We do this by challenging ourselves and working on things that maybe we are not good at yet.

PLEASE WEAR WARM CLOHES TOMORROW. Every one should have a coat, warm boots, mittens, and hats. Stay warm everyone!


Monday, September 10, 2018


What a wonderful start to the week! We are already starting to get into routine. Today some of us have white envelopes in our backpacks. Please make sure that these envelopes are back at the school in 3 days! We are also still missing a whole bunch of the student information consent forms and media release forms. If you could please have those printed off, signed and brought back to school by Friday that would be greatly appreciated! You can find these forms on the school website.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Our Entry and Dismissal Routine

Our entry routine:

Please bring your child to the soccer field and have them line up at their teacher’s sign. There is supervision on the soccer field starting at 8:05am every morning so please feel free to drop off your child at this time.

Our dismissal routine:

Parents please wait for your child at the end of the day ON THE SOCCER FIELD. Thank you for your help and understanding in keeping the grade one doors free of congestion. We appreciate your patience as we figure out what is best and safest for the students at Copperfield School.  J