Thursday, June 20, 2019

Building Supplies Needed

As a final project we are putting our new learned skills together. We are making duck houses! Using our knowledge of shapes, measurement, and animal habits we are using our last days of school to make houses for our baby ducklings. If you have any possible building materials at home that we could use please send them to school (cardboard, boxes, cans, paper cups, etc)! Anything that we do not use will be donated to the art room for projects next year.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Activity Day Information

Activity Day- Tuesday June 25th
Next Tuesday, June 25th we will be having our Activity Day. We will spend the afternoon from 1:30-3:00 spending time exploring different activities. As this is an outdoor event we ask that you come to school prepared for the weather. Please remember sunblock, hats, sunglasses and water bottles. The compound and surrounding fields will be turned into active centres where you can try out new activities.

This year we are having a Hawaiian Theme to our Activity Day. If you would like to, come school in your best Hawaiian clothing.

On Tuesday, June 25 at 9:00am we will be having a Sing Along in the gym. Students will be singing some of their favourite songs from the school year. It is dress Hawaiian day (no need to buy anything; students are invited to wear colourful clothing, we will be singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"). Families are welcome to attend!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Library Summer Programs

Today we had a presenter from the Calgary Public Library visit us and give us a presentation. We learned about the "Ultimate Summer Challenge" that they are having this year. If you track your reading on the "Challenge Map" (which is available at any Calgary Public Library) you will be entered to win a prize! There are also several free classes and programs that are being held at the library over the summer! I encourage you to check it out!

Calgary Public Library Summer Challenge

Thursday, June 13, 2019

End of the Year Preperations

It is hard to believe that we are in the final count down of Grade 1! In preparation for the last day of school please:

- Have all library books returned by Friday June 14th
- All Home Reading book returned by Monday June 17th
- All clothing picked up from the lost and found by June 25th

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


On Sunday night our ducklings had arrived at our school!

3 of our 6 duckling eggs have hatched since yesterday evening! We are wondering how long it will take for the other 3 eggs to hatch!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Grade 1-2 Choir and Volunteer Tea

The Grade 1&2 Choir will be performing their songs for the rest of the school on Tuesday, May 28th at 2:30pm.  Families are welcome to attend. They will also be performing for the Volunteer Tea on Wednesday, May 29th.  

Please ensure that choir students wear their red Copperfield School t-shirts on Tuesday and Wednesday. I have a limited number of t-shirts to lend out (only for students who don't own their own please).

Monday, May 13, 2019

Field Trip Forms

We are going to be going on a field trip June 5th! I please have these forms printed off, signed and brought into me by Thursday May 23rd!

Ann and Sandy Cross

Acknowledgment of Risk